Prenuptial agreement – Divorce - Probate
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Sources :

BEAU Expressions juridiques en un clin d'oeil, Louis Beaudoin et Madeleine Maihot JURI Juriterm - CTTJ / Université de Moncton
BRAU Dictionnaire du droit privé, Serge Braudo - JURIP Bulletin sur la terminologie juridique anglais-français, par Frédéric Houbert,traducteur
CELD The Council of Europe Legal Dictionary – Council of Europe Publishin – F.H.S Bridge JUST Justice Québec -
CLTD Center for for Legal Translation and documentation LCDE Lexique anglais-français du conseil de l'Europe – Ed. du Conseil de l'Europe
COLL Dictionnaire économique et juridique Robert Collins LXFD Lexique fédéral —
CORN Dictionary of the Civil Code, Gérard Cornu, Alain A. Levasseur,Marie E. Laporte-Legeais MEER Guide anglais-français de la traduction, R. Meertens
CRFJ Centre de ressources en français juridique MENA Dictionnaire de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière, Louis Ménard
CTDJ Centre de traduction et de documentation juridique - LJDJ Dictionnaire économique et juridique, J. Balayte, A. Kurdansky, Ch. Laroche, J. Spindler
CTTJ Centre de traduction et de terminologie juridique - NYDFL New York Divorce and Family Law –
DAHL Dictionnaire juridique/ Law dictionary/ Harrap’s -DAHLoz ONTA Lexique bilingue du gouvernement de l’Ontario -
DUCH Le divorce en droit comparé: Vol. 2, Am. du Nord -  By B. Dutoit, V. Chetail PAJL PAJLO - Promotion de l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles -

GDTE Grand dictionnaire terminologique en ligne – SAXC Dictionnaire comptable, fiscal et financier du cabinet Saxcé
HARR Harrap's Law Dictionary (DAHLoz) TERM Dictionnaire canadien Termium
HOUB Guide pratique de la traduction juridique, Frederic Houbert UNIT Uniterm (banque de données terminologique de l'ONU)
IATE InterActive Terminology for Europe - WIKI Wikipedia
WREF WordReference  -

A large part of the resources listed above are Canadian. Canada is not the only country where two legal traditions —the common law and the civil law— coexist.. Its bilingual drafting requirements is not either unique. But the combination of the two, that is a bijural and bilingual legal system, stands alone. The thirty years old national program for the Promotion of Access to Justice in both official languages in the administration of justice in Canada yielded a considerable wealth of jurilinguistic resources for the US English to French and French to US English translator. Where the Canadian choice sounds odd or unfamiliar, the recent (2014) translation in English of the Vocabulaire juridique1 of Gérard Cornu should be systematically consulted. The second source we used extensively is the Dahl’s Law dictionary2. Explanatory / comparative dictionaries are rare and even rarer those offering explanations and translations referring to the Americansystem.

Regrettably, the entries tend to explain (long excerpt of the Civil Law Treatise of Planiol, a translation of the Traité Elémentaire de Droit Civil by the Louisiana State Law Institute) rather than translate, and the shortcomings and mistakes are far too numerous. The third major source, The Council of Europe’s French- English Legal Dictionary2 is an excellent legal dictionary, if not the best  available. Since it was written exclusively for the European context, the translator for the American market has to correct the British dictionary’s proposition with its American equivalent (see entries acte introductif d’instance or action reconventionnelle.

(1)Dictionary of the Civil Code, G.Cornu , A.Levasseur , and M.E.Laporte-Legeais , Lexis-Nexis

(2)Dahl’s Law dictionary, Third Edition, by Henry SaintDahl

(3)The Council of Europe’s French-English Legal Dictionary,Strasbourg,Council of Europe Press

ab intestat ab intestat Inheritance transmitted without a will or when the will was annulled (by operation of law)
abandon desertion
abandon d’enfant abandonment (exposure) of a child         CELD
abandon de domicile desertion (of the matrimonial home)        CELD
abandon de famille willful neglect ; desertion         DAHL Criminal offense committed especially when the father (or mother) is evading for more than two consecutive months its material or moral duties towards his children
abandon présumé constructive abandonment (of a spouse); constructive desertion         CTTJ
absent absentee         FRCC Art. 112 of the French Civil Code : "Where a person has ceased to appear at the place of his domicile or residence and has not been heard from, the judge of guardianships may, on the application of the parties concerned or of the Government procurator, establish that there is presumption of absence"

Art. 122 of the French Civil Code: "When ten years have elapsed since the judgment that established the presumption of absence, either in the manner prescribed in Article 112, or on the occasion of one of the judicial proceedings provided for in Articles 217 and 219, 1426 and 1429, absence may be declared by the tribunal de grande instance, on the application of any person concerned or of the Government procurator's office. It shall be the same where, failing that establishment, the person will have ceased to appear at the place of his domicile or residence, without having been heard from for more than twenty years.

abus d’influence undue influence         IATE
accédent Acquirer         CORN One to accedes to, one who is in the process of acquiring a right. Ex: to accede to the ownership (of something)
accord alimentaire maintenance agreement         IJDU
accord de règlement settlement of agreement         CELD
accroissement accrual         DAHL Accrual pre-supposes that there are several legatees, all of them entitled to receive the same whole thing. If all claim it together, a distribution among them takes place. If the bequest of one of them lapses, his share accrues to the remaining legatees, so that each of them will receive a little more because there is one less person entitled. Legatees called to take the same bequest together are called cohéritiers ou colégataires (joint legatees)
accroissement accession
acquêts acquest TERM After-acquired property of a spouse that, because it is linked to marriage as a joint economic endeavor, is susceptible of division or partition in equal shares between the spouses at the dissolution of the marriage.  See /régime de la participation aux acquêts
acquiescement acquiescence         TERM The indication of agreement or consent by permitting things to be done or claims to be made without objection
acquiescement assent CTTJ An assent has been defined as "the instrument whereby a personal representative effectuates a testamentary disposition by transferring the subject-matter of the disposition to the person entitled to it"
acquit receipt, discharge
acte act         DAHL In the language of the law, this word has two different meanings. Sometimes it designates a juridical operation and corresponds to the Latin negotium. It then answers to the Latin instrumentum. A sale, a donation, a payment, a remission of a debt, in themselves, without considering their proof, are juridical acts.

A second meaning relates to the writings which establish them, whether notarial or under private signature, which are called instrumental acts.

See : à titre *gratuit ; à titre *onéreux ; à titre *particulier ; à titre *universel ; *authentique.*conservatoire ; *constitutif ; de *disposition ; de *notoriété ; *discrétionnaire ; en *brevet ; en *minutes ; *exécutoire ; de *procédure ; *notarié.

acte à cause de mort instrument not taking effect until death
acte authentique notarial act         CELD Officially or “notarially” recorded instruments (UK : deed)
acte d’acquisition conveyance CELD
acte de cession deed of transfer         DAHL
action en réduction action for reduction         DAHL Action by which a “protected person” (placed under trusteeship for example) requests the reduction of an act she deems excessive in view of her wealth (French Civil code, art. 435, 464 and 488)
action reconventionnelle counterclaim Bryan Garner: “[i]n most American jurisdictions “counterclaim” refers to a claim by a defendant against the plaintiff used as an offset against the original claim ; and a “cross-claim” is a claim by a co-party against another, as by one defendant against a co-defendant […] Therefore the French term action reconventionnelle can only ne translated as “counterclaim” in American English; the translation of cross-claim (a concept that does not exist in French Law) would be demande entre défendeurs.  Thomas L. West in Jurilinguistics/tique, by Jean-Claude Gémar and Nicholas Kasirer, Bruylant, les éditions thémis, p.435
adjuger award/to         JUST
administrateur successoral administrator         IJDU An administrator is a person to whom representation of the deceased is committed by the court in default of an executor.
administrateur-séquestre custodian         EUR
administration sommaire des actifs summary administration of estate(s)    CLTD GDT
admissibilité à l’adoption eligibility for adoption; eligibility to adopt
adoptabilité adoptability; suitability for adoption
adoptant adopter
adopté adoptee
adoption plénière full adoption        TERM
affaire case         BEAU See: fond de l’affaire; l’affaire est en état; instruire une affaire; renvoyer l’affaire; saisir le tribunal d’une affaire; porter une affaire devant le tribunal; déférer l’affaire; soumettre l’affaire régler une affaire; affaire classée; dans la présente affaire; instruire une affaire
affaire en instance pending proceeding         IJDU
affaire matrimoniale matrimonial cause         CELD
affidavit de signification affidavit of service         MANI
agir de bonne foi act bona fide/to         IJDU
aide juridictionnelle legal aid         BRAU Contribution of the State to enable people whose income is insufficient to assert their rights in justice, in graceful as in contentious or non-contentious matter, in demand as in defense, and in all courts.
ainsi jugé entered
aliénation alienation         TERM In real property law, the transfer of the property and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, from one person to another. The term is particularly applied to absolute conveyances of real property.
aliéner, transmettre convey/to          EUR a property
aliments The mutual obligation of support among family members to provide, according to capacity and need, for each other’s maintenance, clothing, accommodation, health and education, in others words the basic necessities, generally in the form of maintenance payment, taking into account the needs and resources of the maintenance creditor and maintenance debtor.
aliments maintenance ; support   IJDU DAHL See: pension alimentaire (alimony)
affidavit de signification affidavit of service         MANI
agir de bonne foi act bona fide/to         IJDU
aide juridictionnelle legal aid         BRAU Contribution of the State to enable people whose income is insufficient to assert their rights in justice, in graceful as in contentious or non-contentious matter, in demand as in defense, and in all courts.
ainsi jugé entered
aliments de base pour enfant base child maintenance; base child support; basic child support See: pension alimentaire (alimony)
aliments pour enfant child maintenance; child support See: pension alimentaire (alimony)
aliments pour époux spousal support See: pension alimentaire (alimony)
alliance relationship by marriage         CELD A translation does exist. See under
alliance affinity         IATE The connection existing in consequence of marriage between each of the married persons and the kindred of the other. The tie between one spouse and the blood relations of the other. It is contrasted with consanguinity: it is no real kinship. Ballentine's Law Dictionary, 3eéd.,
alliance affinity Relationship, especially by marriage as opposed to blood ties. Source :The Free Dictionary
apport [en mariage] contribution        CORN Assets, property that each spouse owns upon marrying or acquire during the marriageaas a reuslt of donation or succession (to be constrasted with *acquêts)
apport en nature contribution in kind Goods (as opposed to funds) put in common by associates when creating a company
arrangement de participation profit-sharing arrangement IJDU
arrangement de pension pension arrangement         IJDU
arrêt judgment        BEAU There is only one term in English for arrêt and jugement. In French an arrêt designates all decisions pronounced by a court (cour de cassation, cour des comptes, cour d’appel, cour d’assises, etc.)
arriéré alimentaire arrears of support
ascendance parentage Kindred in the direct ascending line.
ascendance parentale parental ancestry.
assavoir (il est fait assavoir que) let it be know that Less and less used ; same translation for pour que nul n'en ignore
assignation summons Document served by the huissier de justice by which the plaintiff cites his adversary to appear before the judge
assignation en divorce action for divorce
assignation en divorce divorce summons
assigné à parquet summoned by the prosecutor office        MEER
assigner en divorce/faire summon for divorce/to        MEER
assigner, intenter une action contre bring an action against
astreindre to compel, to force        CORN
astreinte Astreinte        CORN Daily monetary penalty for delaying paying a debt
attestation de signification certificate of service        CTDJ
atteste witnesseth
attribution de garde award of custody; custody award
audience hearing        BEAU See: à l’audience ; date de l’audience; salle d’audience ; lever l’audience ; suspendre l’audience ; reprendre l’audience ; rôle d’audience. Renvoi à l’audience
audience à huis clos; hearing in private         IJDU
audience contradictoire hearing in the presence of the parties        CELD
audience de conciliation reconciliation session See: ordonnance de non-conciliation
audience des mises au rôle docket court
audience des référés at a special term
audience publique public hearing; open court BEAU CELD
audience sur le fond hearing on the merits        BEAU
audition hearing
audition des témoins hearing (examination) of the witnesses        CELD
audition du public public hearing        CELD
audition d'une demande hearing of an application         IJDU
audition des parties hearing of the parties
autorité parentale parental authority         MEER
avancement d’hoierie advancement Hoirie is an old French word for hotchpot, the blending of items of property to secure equality of division. Less and les used. Replaced in 2007 by avancement de part successorale (see under)
alliance relationship by marriage        CELD A translation does exist. See under
alliance affinity        IATE The connection existing in consequence of marriage between each of the married persons and the kindred of the other. The tie between one spouse and the blood relations of the other. It is contrasted with consanguinity: it is no real kinship. Ballentine's Law Dictionary, 3eéd.,
alliance affinity Relationship, especially by marriage as opposed to blood ties. Source :The Free Dictionary
apport [en mariage] contribution        CORN Assets, property that each spouse owns upon marrying or acquire during the marriageaas a reuslt of donation or succession (to be constrasted with *acquêts)
apport en nature contribution in kind Goods (as opposed to funds) put in common by associates when creating a company
arrangement de participation profit-sharing arrangement        IJDU
arrangement de pension pension arrangement        IJDU
arrêt judgment        BEAU There is only one term in English for arrêt and jugement. In French an arrêt designates all decisions pronounced by a court (cour de cassation, cour des comptes, cour d’appel, cour d’assises, etc.)
arriéré alimentaire arrears of support
ascendance parentage Kindred in the direct ascending line.
ascendance parentale parental ancestry.
assavoir (il est fait assavoir que) let it be know that Less and less used ; same translation for pour que nul n'en ignore
assignation summons Document served by the huissier de justice by which the plaintiff cites his adversary to appear before the judge
assignation en divorce action for divorce
assignation en divorce divorce summons
assigné à parquet summoned by the prosecutor office        MEER
assigner en divorce/faire summon for divorce/to        MEER
assigner, intenter une action contre bring an action against
astreindre to compel, to force        CORN
astreinte Astreinte        CORN Daily monetary penalty for delaying paying a debt
attestation de signification certificate of service        CTDJ
atteste witnesseth
attribution de garde award of custody; custody award
audience hearing        BEAU See: à l’audience ; date de l’audience; salle d’audience ; lever l’audience ; suspendre l’audience ; reprendre l’audience ; rôle d’audience. Renvoi à l’audience
audience à huis clos; hearing in private        IJDU
audience contradictoire hearing in the presence of the parties        CELD
audience de conciliation reconciliation session See: ordonnance de non-conciliation
audience des mises au rôle docket court
audience des référés at a special term
audience publique public hearing; open court BEAU CELD
audience sur le fond hearing on the merits        BEAU
audition hearing
audition des témoins hearing (examination) of the witnesses        CELD
audition du public public hearing         CELD
audition d'une demande hearing of an application         IJDU
audition des parties hearing of the parties
autorité parentale parental authority        MEER
avancement d’hoierie advancement Hoirie is an old French word for hotchpot, the blending of items of property to secure equality of division. Less and les used. Replaced in 2007 by avancement de part successorale (see under)
avancement de part successorale advancement by portion An "advancement by portion"; payment or gift to an heir during one’s lifetime as an advance share of one’s estate, with the intention of extinguishing or diminishing the heir’s claim to the estate under intestacy law. advance on inheritance
avantage(s) matrimonial(niaux) matrimonial benefits Set of provisions included in a contract of marriage (cohabitants and PACS partners are therefore not eligible) that aim to assign a privilege estate to the surviving spouse, which will thus have a greater share than anticipated inheritance. This privilege can be applied to common household goods such as on private property of one spouse. Depending on the options, the surviving spouse may be required to compensate the other heirs.
avis de comparution notice to attend Comparution immediate, comparution volontaire, comparution personnelle, comparution sur reconnaissance prealable de culpabilite (CRPC)...
ayant cause successor          DAHL           TERM Person claiming through. Person who holds a right or an obligation derived from another, the author. He who cedes or transmits is the « author ». He who acquires or holds from him is the ayant cause.

One who succeeds to the rights of another, such as an heir, next of kin, assign, assignee,devisee or legatee, trustee

ayant cause à titre particulier assignee; assign; successor in title ; particular successor        CELD The assignee has only acquired one or several rights from the author, whereas the “universal” successor (ayant cause à titre universel) succeeds to the author’s whole estate
ayant cause universel Person succeeding to a person’s whole legal position (assets and liabilities)
ayant droit beneficiary        TERM