BILINGUAL EDUCATION GLOSSARY Letter A From A&R Translations all rights reserved |
Sources | |||
A&R | Ammon & Rousseau Translations | EGID | French Higher Education System Glossary http://www.egide/ |
AMBA | Ambassade de France à Washington ; http// | FULB | Fulbright |
CALV | CALVIN-THOMAS : séjours linguistiques et culturels à l’étranger. | GVCA | Lexique français-anglais de l'éducation (Canada) – juin 2007 :http// |
CAMP | Campus | KAPL | Kaplan : |
CIEP | Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques : | LETU | L'Étudiant xxx |
COLL | Dictionnaire Robert Collins | MFE | Maison des Français de l'Étranger;http// |
COLL | Robert Collins | PROZ | Kudoz open; |
EDGL | Ammon & Rousseau education glossary | TERM | Dictionnaire canadien en ligne Termium : |
EDUS | Glossary of Terms from EducationUSA;http// | TERM | Dictionnaire canadien Termium |
EFTN | Recueil en ligne pour l'apprentissage de l'anglais technique et la traduction de documents de spécialité à l'intention des francophoneshttp// | UOTT | Banque terminologique de l'université d'Ottawa |
A | |||
ABJ (absence justifiée) | justified absence | PROZ | |
académie | [local education authority] - For educational administrative purposes, France is divided into areas known as académies, each of which is administered by a recteur appointed by the Ministry of Education (Ministère de l'Éducation nationale). There are thirty académies in France, most of which cover several départements, plus five others in the overseas territories. | ||
acquis | acquired skills; aquired knowledge | A&R | |
acquis scolaires | educational achievements | GVCA | |
activité de préparation, d'initiation | lead-up activity | GVCA | |
activité parascolaire | after school activity | GVCA | |
activité périscolaire | co-curricular activity | GVCA | |
activité physique | motor activity | GVCA | |
activités annexes | extracurricular activities | FULB | |
activités pratiques | hands-on activities | GVCA | |
admis | pass/passed | GVCA | |
admissibilité | eligibility (to sit the oral part of an exam) | GVCA | |
admissible | eligible (to sit the oral part of an exam) | GVCA | éligible, faux ami = qui peut être élu |
admission/à un examen | pass/passed | GVCA | |
admission parallèle | parallel admission procedure | EGID | Admission to a grande école is usually by competitive examination, which students prepare for during a two-year preparatory course. Admission parallèle is an alternative admission procedure set up by the grandes écoles in order to attract a broader range of student profiles, including holders of a DUT, licence or other diplomas. These candidates take a different examination from students from the preparatory courses. Some establishments also admit students on the basis of academic record. These students are also called admis sur titres. |
agent(e) de formation | training officer, trainer | GVCA | |
agrégation | EGID | The agrégation, like the CAPES, is a high-level competitive examination for recruiting secondary school teachers. Agrégation holders (known as agrégés) enjoy higher salaries and shorter working hours than CAPES holders, and they can teach at universities after a few years of initial secondary school teaching experience. Preparatory courses for the agrégation are given at universities, rather than at the IUFM teacher training schools where the other teaching diplomas are prepared. Students can sit the agrégation examination with a maîtrise or grande école diploma. The Écoles Normales Supérieures (ENS) offer the most highly reputed courses to prepare for the agrégation. | |
agrément | EGID | [social security approval] - Higher education establishments approved by the French social security system are said to hold an agrément, and are known as établissements agréés par la Sécurité Sociale. Students enrolled at an approved institution of higher education are entitled to special students' social security coverage. | |
aide financière aux étudiant(e)s | student financial aid | GVCA | |
aide médico-psychologique; See AMP. | EGID | ||
aide-enseignant | teaching assistant | GVCA | |
aide-enseignant(e) | teacher’s aid, assistant | GVCA | |
ajuster/les notes des élèves d’une session à l’autre | equate/to (exams) | GVCA | |
alternance; See Formation en alternance. | EGID | ||
AMP (Aide Médico-Psychologique) | medical and psychological assistance. | EGID | |
analyse des erreurs | miscue analysis | GVCA | |
analyse fonctionnelle | system survey | GVCA | |
analyse fonctionnelle | system analysis | GVCA | |
analyse rationnelle | critical analysis | GVCA | |
analyse, suivi, contrôle, surveillance | monitoring | GVCA | |
animateur, animatrice de groupe | group leader | GVCA | |
animateur(trice); animateur-formateur, animatrice-formatrice, facilitateur, facilitatrice | facilitator | GVCA | |
animateur; animatrice | presenter | GVCA | |
animateur; animatrice | moderator | GVCA | |
année financière, exercice (financier) | fiscal year | GVCA | |
année universitaire | academic year | CAMP | In France the academic year begins in September or October and ends in May or June. The exact starting and ending dates vary from institution to institution and from program to program. There are several breaks during the year: 2 weeks in December-January for Christmas and the New Year 2 weeks in February for winter break, 2 weeks in late March–early April for the Easter break. Summer vacation stretches over the entire months of July and August, and sometimes includes parts of June and September as well. |
anonymat des copies | blind marking | GVCA | |
antécédents scolaires | educational background | GVCA | |
APEL | accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) | ||
apprentissage collectif | group learning | GVCA | |
apprentissage entre pairs | peer learning | GVCA | |
apprentissage fondé sur le matériel didactique | resource-based learning | GVCA | |
apprentissage ouvert | open learning | GVCA | |
approche transdisciplinaire, interdisciplinaire | cross-curicular approach | GVCA | |
arts appliqués | practical arts, applied arts | GVCA | |
brevet d’enseignement | teaching certificate | GVCA | |
brevet d’enseignement | teaching credential | A&R | |
attestation d’études | certification | GVCA | |
attestation de comparabilité | GVCA | [certificate of comparability] - Issued by ENIC-ENARIC | |
GVCA | |||
auditoire cible, élèves visés | intended audience | GVCA | |
autoapprentissage | self-instruction | GVCA | |
autocorrection | self-testing | GVCA | |
autodétermination | self-determination | GVCA | |
autodidacte | self-taught | GVCA | |
autoévaluation | self-appraisal, self-assessment | GVCA | |
autoévaluation | self-evaluation | GVCA | |
GVCA | |||
automatisme | mechanism | GVCA | |
autonome sur le (plan linguistique) | expanding (language abilities) | GVCA |